TiBE 台北國際書展 2025.2.4-9


◎信念 知識:傳承知識、弘揚學術,是恆久不變的夢想。 創新:傳揚新知,激發創意,是百年不悔的堅持。 責任:積極負責、效率品質,是永續推進的動力。 ◎事業機構 五南圖書出版股份有限公司   是個全方位的綜合性之學術出版機構,出版重點在於各門各類的學術專著、大專教材、工具書、高中職用書之出版。舉凡人文科學、社會科學、自然科學、應用科學,應有盡有;教科書、參考書、學術專著、職場用書,品類齊全。目前出書已達五千種以上。 書泉出版社   主要出版生活化、實用性的大眾知識讀本。希望透過淺白的圖文,呈現嚴肅理論的通俗化,讓學術新知,走出象牙塔,深入社會。目前出書已逾六百種。 A Love of Culture, The Scent of Printers' Ink A Center for Literature, Social Sciences, Science and Technology, and Nursing A Treasure-trove of Scholarly Writing and Textbooks Wu-Nan Book Inc., founded in 1968, is the first imprint of Wu-Nan Culture Enterprise. It is one of the most prestigious educational publishers in Taiwan. Wu-Nan takes its name from the Wu-Nan district of T'ung-hsiao township, Miaoli County, Taiwan, the hometown of its founder, Jung-Chuan Yang. For more than 50 years, Wu-Nan Book Inc. has served over 4000 high quality textbooks to the major colleges and universities around the nation. By earning the respect and support of academics, business leaders, and the general public, Wu-Nan has continued to grow.

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